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Implementation of popular deep learning networks with TensorRT network definition API

Results 144 tensorrtx issues
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## Env - GPU : RTX 3090 - OS : Ubuntu20.04 - Cuda version : 11.4 - TensorRT version : 22 ## About this repo - master - real-esrgan ##...

## Env - GPU nvidia1050Ti - OS centos7. - Cuda version 10.0 - TensorRT version 7.0 ## About this repo - which model? yolov5 ## Your problem - what is...

## Env - GPU, Jetson Nano L4T 32.7.2 - OS, Ubuntu18.04 - Cuda version 10.2 - TensorRT version - OpenCV 4.5 - CMake 3.18 ## About this repo -...

## Env - GPU,970. - OS, 2004 - Cuda version :11.4 - TensorRT version ## Your problem [09/01/2022-17:20:04] [TRT] [E] 3: [executionContext.cpp::enqueueInternal::342] Error Code 3: API Usage Error (Parameter...

Hey Team, I wanted to request the Swin IR ( https://github.com/JingyunLiang/SwinIR ) - Large conversion to TensorRT. I have seen that Swin Transformer but I can't understand how to use...

大佬,您好 --jetson xavier --ubuntu18.04(jetpack4.6.1) --tensorrt 8.2 --cuda10.2 用系统自带的tensorrt构建yolov5@v1的引擎文件时报错:error: member function declared with "override" does not override a base class member...... 这个好解决吗?谢谢

## Env - GPU, RTX1080 - OS, e.g. Ubuntu18.04 - Cuda version: 11.1 - TensorRT version: 7.2 ## About this repo - master - arcface ## Your problem Hi, thanks...

Hey, First of all, thanks for amazing repo. I'm trying to build engine from .wts but getting mismatch in shape's: [object_detection_node-1] [E] [TRT] 3: (Unnamed Layer* 163) [Convolution]:kernel weights has...

## Env - 2080 rtx ti - TRRT v7 - ## About this repo yolov5 ## Your problem ./yolov5 -s yolov5l6.wts yolov5L.engine l6 > > > > Loading weights: yolov5l6.wts...