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Implementation of popular deep learning networks with TensorRT network definition API

Results 144 tensorrtx issues
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## Env - GPU, RTX1660 - OS, , Win10 - Cuda 11.1 - TensorRT 8.4 ## About this repo - which branch/tag/commit are you using? master - which model? yolov5,...

## Env - GPU: RTX3090 - OS: Ubuntu 20.04 - Cuda version: 11.4 - TensorRT version: - torch: 1.12.0 ## About this repo - branch: tensorrtx(yolov5-v7.0) - model: yolov5,...

## Env - GPU:RTX2070 - OS:Win10 - Cuda version:11.8 - TensorRT version:8.6 ## About this repo - which branch/tag/commit are you using? - which model? yolov5, retinaface? ## Your problem...

## Env ## About this repo - which model? yolov5-7.0-detect? ## Your problem 博主您好,请教一下,gen_wts.py产生的yolov5_detect 的wts文件里面包含模型的anchor信息吗,使用U版yolov5训练自己的模型,开启autoanchor后anchor就和coco的不一致了,通过wts转换engine里面会包含更新后的anchor吗?还是固定的coco anchor,如果转换是固定的coco-anchor我们又该怎么修改anchor呢?谢谢

## Env - GPU RTX3050 - OS, Ubuntu 22.04 - Cuda & TRT version I have uploaded image - Yolov7 w6 custom model - image size H:768 W:1280 and Num...

Thank you for sharing ,Cannot use yolov8_det_trt.py to check one's own model, check box is empty。 The category of one's own model is 2

## Env - GPU : 3080laptop - Win10 - Cuda 11.3 - TensorRT ## About this repo yolov5 ## Your problem 能不能使用vs2019新建一个空项目,单独在解决方案属性中的debug和release模式下配置环境? 我这样尝试了。 ``` VC++目录 --> 包含目录 --> D:\libtorch_opencv_cuda\opencv460\opencv\build\include\opencv2...

## Env - GPU, e.g. V100, RTX2080, TX2, Xavier NX, Nano, etc. - OS, e.g. Ubuntu16.04, Win10, etc. - Cuda version - TensorRT version ## About this repo - which...

在win10下编译 tensorrtx-yolov8 出现如下错误: 【1】、 2>J:\tensorrtx\yolov8\plugin\yololayer.cu(262): error : expression must have a constant value 2>J:\tensorrtx\yolov8\plugin\yololayer.cu(262): note #2689-D: the value of variable "maxGrids" 2>(261): here cannot be used as a constant 【2】、...

## Env - GPU, RTX3060, - OS, e.g. Ubuntu20.04, - Cuda version V12.2.140 - TensorRT version ## About this repo - which branch/tag/commit are you using? - yolov5, branch...