Wang Xinyu

Results 5 issues of Wang Xinyu

@YonghaoHe thanks for your work. I meet a strange problem in license-plate detection, for the same image, when resize it to 320x240, the confidence of the box is 0.99+, but...

### PR types Performance optimization ### PR changes Others - preprocessing ### Describe - Add a YOLO CUDA preprocessing util - Yolov5: integrate CUDA preprocessing - cmake changes to support...

### PR types(PR类型) Model ### Describe - Avoid reallocating output tensors - Use external stream when using cuda preprocessing, avoid reallocating cuda streams

### PR types(PR类型) Backend ### Describe - CUDA kernel for Color convert + Normalize + Permute - Concat support GPU - Applied this optimization to PPClas, PPDet and PPSeg -...

### PR types(PR类型) Backend ### Describe - Implemented OpenCV_CUDA preprocessors: BGR2RGB, ResizeByShort, CenterCrop, Normalize, NormalizeAndPermute, HWC2CHW - Fuse preprocessors(BGR2RGB/RGB2BGR + Normalize + HWC2CHW). - PPClas integrated OpenCV_CUDA preprocessing - PPClas...