Wang Xinyu

Results 91 comments of Wang Xinyu

@Mustapha-AJEGHRIR Thanks, I have doubts here, what's the input shape of the tensorrt model in your case?

@Mustapha-AJEGHRIR So the model input is 640x640, and your original image is 1920x1080? You crop a 640x640 region from 1920x1080 directly? Is it?

Errors like this is due to model mismatch between pytorch and tensorrt. You can follow the readme to use the matched version, and try official model first. ``` [04/15/2022-00:10:18] [E]...

You can debug it by comparing the layer output value between trt and pytorch. For example, if conv54 output values are the same, it means all the layers before conv54...

GPU needs warmup. This is normal.

This is normal, GPU needs warmup.

Did you try to run a loop? The GPU might needs warmup.

where is your ./yolov5 and where is your yolov5.engine? Please check the steps again.