background:I want to ask another repo, but there is no issues button, so I ask under this repo. [huggingface-vscode-endpoint-server],I want to understand how to support starchat model,I hope you can...
### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Current Behavior [2023-11-09 10:17:50] ", prompt:"类型#上衣*材质#牛仔布*颜色#白色*风格#简约*图案#刺绣*衣样式#外套*衣款式#破洞", response:"'一款简约的牛仔外套,采用经典的牛仔面料,穿着舒适透气,搭配白色刺绣,时尚大气。而前襟的破洞设计,打破单调感,更具时尚感。'" INFO: - "POST / HTTP/1.1"...
Please let me know if this repository is suitable for starcoderplus?