I think the issue is about setting the right response status when devise renders `new.html.erb` after login failure. After adding `turbo_stream` to devise navigational_formats, sign_in request with turbo_stream format returns...
I would love to work on this one.
Hello guys I did have a look at this one and would appreciate some input The server error we now get with `version 2.8.0` is raised due to changes in...
I am positive the styles in `mail.scss` are not loaded in the generated invoice pdfs in production. Connected to. > Also, Rails.application.assets_manifest.assets will target only assets compiled with sprockets and...
I would like to try this one
Hi I have an open [PR](https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/pull/12655) for this one
Hi I have opened [PR](https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/pull/12725) for this one
I will give this one a shot