Anton Andreiev
Anton Andreiev
stl_indicatorAlwaysInCenter doesn't work when you try to set data for tabs after some delay, for example, after some background task. This happens because onSizeChanged() in SmartTabLayout doesn't call again. You...
have the same issue on iOS. android works fine. react-native: 0.61.2 . used linking command manually. for ios project imported as a pod. ` TypeError: null is not an object...
I've replaced InstanceIdService.class with [this]( this helped me to fix this issue, but I've not tested that pushes working propertly. **need migration to `FirebaseMessagingService` .**
I got WAKError 6 when I mapped `allowCredential` to PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor array and assign it to `option`. Probably should use `options.addAllowCredential`. var options = PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions() {NSArray from json}.map { (credentialId: Any)...