Ellis Benjamin
Ellis Benjamin
Hi there, In my application, I need a service with 2 différents behaviors according to the current environnement. Here is the interface of my service. ``` interface FileSystemManagerInterface { public...
Hello everyone! I'm struggling tonight by trying to put a link within the message. I try to follow this [documentation](https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#linking_to_urls) and it doesn't work. I thought that it was the...
Hello there! First of all, thank you for this bundle, very useful! Our [website ](https://www.sport-finder.com) is responsive and some advanced features were not working on iOS (send text message for...
Hi there ! I'm using this very new feature in order to manipulate a mocked symfony HTTP client. I need to ensure my application behave well when receiving specific response...
Use openapiContext (object, documentation) instead of openapi (boolean, enabled or not) Based on what I see here : https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/3.2/src/Metadata/Post.php https://api-platform.com/docs/3.2/core/openapi/ @ "Changing Operations in the OpenAPI Documentation"