Explain the behaviours of basic logical or calculation operators and vectorisation (arrays). Add these into the language feature page.
Add JUnit test to ElementWise1Args and ElementWise2Args
Not allow appending, deleting, or modifying elements, such as : ``` a[0] = 1.0; a[1] = 2.0; ``` or ``` a = [1,2,3]; a[0]=4; ```
Improve the parser err message for lphy grammar err. E.g. If mis is mistyped to `mi`, where `mi` does not exist, it will throw Exception instead of a parsing...
Cannot move the lphystudio in Mac, the app launcher created by Installer bundle will fail to launch. Not sure how to setup relative path in InstallerBuilder during bundling.
The text in all viewer panels should be selectable
Refactor THEME class to allow change the colour from GUI
Use tab to display each studio instance of loading a lphy script. Use MVC structure.
When there is no arg name (e.g. "0"), it requires setInput (not setParam) to make the graphical model not broken when clicking sample button.