Allow replicates to be a vector: `LogNormal(meanlog=3.0, sdlog=1.0, replicates=[11,2,10,...]);`
Conditional coalescent on root age, it may take the `PopulationFunction` as input. `tree ~ AgedConditionalCoalescent( ... , ParametricDistribution);` 1. simulate 1000 trees from PopulationFunction; 2. weight each tree by Pr(tree,...
Too many places to use System.out.print..., when simulating big data, these lines of code increase the time. Replace to `LoggerUtils.log.fine` for debugging or tracing.
It seems every functions are inherited from DeterministicFunction. The direct child class of BasicFunction is only DeterministicFunction.
merge PopulationFunctionCoalescent to SerialCoalescent, by adding another constructor in SerialCoalescent.
- Use the ServiceLoader to load different types, instead of one loader for every types. - In addition, move all declaration into ``, so that eventually remove all classes inheriting...
Data clamp needs to check if both sequence types are same, such as both should be `SequenceType.NUCLEOTIDE` or ... : GraphicalModel ```java default boolean isClamped(String id) { return (id !=...
Create new lphy extension to use beast2 nexus parser. Maybe, other models, which can save many development in simulations for new Generators. Requie: 1. Nexus importer of binary data. 2. Binary Covarion model. 3. The site mode and birth-death may appear to be present at LPhy language level.