I have uninstalled and installed again a couple of times, but still not visible.
I got it working by adding Version Info to Manifest.json. Original: { "domain": "ha_strava", "name": "Strava Home Assistant", "config_flow": true, "documentation": "", "requirements": ["aiohttp==3.6.1", "voluptuous==0.11.7"], "dependencies": [], "codeowners": ["@codingcyclist"] }...
you are right, changing preset mode work for me too. Anywas it would be great to have On/Off switch working for none vario speed pumps. I know that I wrap...
I haven't tried the fan card. I'm using button-card. This card can be customized with JS.  - entity: fan.linde_und_walter_s_whirli_pump_1 tap_action: action: call-service service: fan.set_preset_mode service_data: entity_id: fan.linde_und_walter_s_whirli_pump_1 preset_mode: |...
Picture-elements does not support javascript. You can setup a switch in your configuration.yaml and toggle the switch with an state-icon. Configuration.yaml switch: - platform: template switches: jet1: friendly_name: 'Spa Jet1'...
Discover of the spa is not working for me. When using spa IP address instead of broadcast address the client works, but the APING command always run into timeout. Best...
This is the same behavior as for me. I had to comment two lines in build_accessors. Maybe this is because a different Model Mine is a inYE-5