Matthew Hall

Results 26 comments of Matthew Hall

We've just hit this issue too. It'd be very helpful to have this merged and filtered down into the FastAPI image too... Am very happy to perform some testing etc...

For those not familiar with the backstory to this, there is some [detail on Cryptography installation under Alpine since version 3.5 published online]( Quoting from that: > Warning > >...

@tiangolo - thank-you so much, this is really appreciated. I'll give it a go right now, and try to confirm by the end of today (I'm on holiday next week).

> @tiangolo - thank-you so much, this is really appreciated. I'll give it a go right now, and try to confirm by the end of today (I'm on holiday next...

I did locate the cause of `boto3` not returning the `creation_date`. I wouldn't call it a fix per se - more of a workaround. Granting additional permissions to the IAM...

I'm guessing related to this, I had issues bundling into an Alpine based container due to `libmagic` missing. I had to explicitly install it: ``` apk add libmagic ```

A small app I'm involved with just got an alpha quality demo shown to a few users, they all naturally wanted to long-press on mobile to drag. I'm absolutely +1'ing...

> I still don't know how to properly exit `QueryIterator`, but at least I fixed the "double `Ctrl+C`" issue by using `loop.run_until_complete` instead of ``... even without passing the `loop`...

I believe this may be related to: ... I've added a comment there with a work-around which solves both issues for us.

> QueryIterator#__anext__ will never throw a StopAsyncIteration, does that mean intended usage is to always provide a timeout to queue.iterator()? I think the above is the key. +1 to @Darsstar...