
Results 8 comments of Cameron

@bminixhofer onnxruntime have just pushed 3.10 wheels for the new version 1.12. Does this mean you can build wheels for 3.10 now or does it need a lot more work?

@waqasraz we had similiar issue to this and we solved it by using this codecs.register_error('strict', codecs.backslashreplace_errors)

Could we look at using binance labs or coinbase ventures as advance signs things might get listed

Thansk @XuanYang-cn. Any plans to write a rest client?

@chrismclarke Im interested in becoming a contributor more often if it helps set these things up easier. Here is an example PR, from snyk high security fixes and runs the...

@chrismclarke so we have zap, lighthouse bot, eslint security so far merged into the Ci testing branch. The of r major thing from above is definitely setting up netlify, then...

Yeh I definitely dont suggest moving the full stack to Netlify yet. Im more advocating for doing something like this This has snyk integration yes, but the main thing...

could you not just use PM2 instead This has a built-in loadbalancer which uses the node-cluster module.