
Results 19 issues of wallabyway

use this command instead.. `zig build-lib main.zig -target wasm32-freestanding -dynamic -OReleaseSmall` ie. - remove main.wasm `rm main.wasm` - build main.wasm `zig build-lib main.zig -target wasm32-freestanding -dynamic -OReleaseSmall` - start a...

https://forgeextraderivatives.z6.web.core.windows.net https://github.com/petrbroz/forge-convert-utils docs: https://petrbroz.github.io/forge-convert-utils/docs/ glTF samples: https://github.com/wallabyway/gltf-AEC-fast issues: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/issues/1699 viz server: https://github.com/wallabyway/MaskedOcclusionCulling

The JSON library is hard to use.

Currently the documentation only shows 2 legged auth. Need to show 3-legged oauth example for connections to sources like A360, BIM360, Fusion-Team, etc.

There doesn't appear to be environment map supplied, so I believe that is why metals are basically black. Is there a way to add a studio or outdoor HDR env....

![prism-materials-wrong](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/440241/154372913-92119a6e-6f99-4332-b483-f7a769c868c9.JPG) Markers: - Red: Fabric has the wrong texture scale - Green: Transparent fabric is not working (using alpha cut-through mask) - Blue: Metalic materiał comes out black, maybe scale...

Take the animation.json file from Forge Fusion360 svf files, and convert it into glTF animation nodes. Here's an example http://assemblyinstructionviewer.steelcase.com/Viewer/AssemblyDirectionViewer?AssemblyDirectionID=14667

The `center : true` option, adds a root node to the glTF with an offset calculated by the global bounds. However, this can be a problem if the dbid filtered...

need info

Take phase information from the meta-data of an SVF (from .RVT or NWD) and create a glTF with animation. Essentially set the visibility based on phase, in a time-sequence. Similar...

(This is more a placeholder...) I know there is this... https://github.com/petrbroz/forge-convert-utils/issues/4 (Note: that the SVF format doesn't include explicit line info for Revit models, instead, they are generated on startup...