
Results 250 comments of walkor

> Any plans to have this in v4? No > Is v5 safe/stable to run in production? No

There is not much difference between V4 and V5 in use * Support `revoltphp/event-loop` (fiber) * Protocol resolution performance improvement * Deleted autoload.php * Added `Worker:: Command` attribute

Adding a configuration for that is not cost-effective, and it is speculated that 90% of people will not set it. Deleting `server` header by passing an empty `server` header appears...

Ok, according to the discussion, keep the server header and remove version information.

V5 requires a lot of testing, at least 2 months.

Try to call the `gc_collect_cycles()` `gc_mem_caches()` periodically. ```php $io->on('workerStart', function()use($io) { Workerman\Timer::add(60*60, function(){ gc_collect_cycles(); gc_mem_caches(); }); }); ``` I can't verify it here because I can't reproduce this problem. ip错的 Message ID: ***@***.***>

分布式部署么? 这个ip的服务可能有问题,可能是报错了,gatewayWorker进程退出了。还有从你贴的status看服务器负载太高了

load average: 15.7, 17.4, 17.13 是负载,一般不超过cpu核心数70%

你们是压测么? gatewayWorker内部接口调用(例如Gatway::sendToAll())一般会与所有gateway进程通讯一次,所以整个集群的gateway进程数越少整个集群效率越高,负载越低。如果系统是因为内部频繁Gateway接口调用导致的负载高,增加gateway服务器并不能减少负载,反而会让负载更高。 如果你们有非常频繁的Gateway接口调用,gateway服务器建议只开两台服务器,每台只开2个进程,可以降低整个集群负载。