
Results 11 issues of waliguder

When the mining pool get the new block, how to distribute the income according to the contribution value of the miners?

### Which script are you experiencing trouble with? ### What issues occurred when running the script? ### Please list the steps to reproduce the behavior you experienced. ### Please list...

Is there any tool here that can help me? Or anyone

# github.com/decred/dcraddrgen .\main.go:115:3: cannot use chainec.ECTypeSecp256k1 (type int) as type dcrec.SignatureType in argument to dcrutil.NewAddressPubKeyHash .\main.go:121:39: cannot use chainec.ECTypeSecp256k1 (type int) as type dcrec.SignatureType in argument to dcrutil.NewWIF .\main.go:225:56: params.HDCoinType...

Can you directly install an exe file, the program can not be installed

C:\Users\PlanPoint\go\src\github.com\decred\dcraddrgen>dep ensure Solving failure: unable to deduce repository and source type for "golang.org/x/crypto": unable to read metadata: unable to fetch raw metadata: failed HTTP request to URL "http://golang.org/x/crypto?go-get=1": Get http://golang.org/x/crypto?go-get=1:...

C:\Users\xxxx\$GOPATH\src\github.com\decred\dcraddrgen>dep ensure C:\Users\xxx\$GOPATH\src\github.com\decred\dcraddrgen is not within a known GOPATH/src why?