Walid Ismail
Walid Ismail
I get the same error today: **Error displaying widget: model not found** in JupyterLab .. I created a new environment in Anaconda and followed the instructions for installing gmaps for...
@PeterSanctus Hi Peter, I am having the same issue, did you manage to find a solution? Thanks!
@RehamFarhat Thanks Reham. I finally found the solution to get gmaps to work on Jupyterlab 3.x. It is to uninstall the latest version of ipywidgets, then install version 7.4.2 of...
It looks the same as #529 (assuming that in #529 the config file is placed in the git project directory). Just a note: in my case, the config file is...
Thanks for your reply. The reason I was expecting it to work is that nbdime documetation says it looks for the config file in the working directory as well as...
I think I have narrowed the issue further. Here are two scenarios: - Place config file in same folder as notebook -> navigate to the notebook folder, -> start jupyter...
A simple suggestion would be to create a config section for the extension under the Nbextensions tab of jupyter. It could be as simple as a text box where one...