Himanshu Walia

Results 7 comments of Himanshu Walia

Face the same issue asserting text view inside `BottomSheetFragment`. I was using Kaspresso/Kako framework and using `it.inRoot { isDialog() }` fixed the problem. ``` val titleTextView = KTextView { withId(R.id.TitleTextView)...

We are facing the same issue, it started happening without any changes from our end a couple of releases ago, as a result crashes/non-fatals are not readable anymore! https://gist.github.com/waliahimanshu/82531ec881df1363e2ea5cd77ed6aeee We...

when I run `bundle$variantName` I can see that `uploadCrashlyticsMappingFile$variantName` executes so, possibly, the name is not changed. ``` > Task :app:uploadCrashlyticsMappingFileRelease Caching disabled for task ':app:uploadCrashlyticsMappingFileRelease' because: Caching has not...

> > @sergei-lapin did this issue make your crashes appear as obfuscated in FirebaseCrashlyics ? I tried to upload the mapping manually, which showed success but crashlytics still shows everything...

Update running `bundleRelease` and `publishRelease` in the single Gradle invocation fixed the issue.

>When your tests fail with that stacktrace, are you able to determine if your: onView(withId(R.id.btn_dialog)).perform(click()) is even run? What I have observed the button in the dialogue fragment is visible...

I faced the same issue in my project; the workaround to add the plugin to ```every/other/build.gradle``` worked for me now.