I am also facing same issue const isAauthenticated = (nextState, replace) => { console.log("isAuthenticated",Auth.user); // got object with all information email signedIn console.log("isAuthenticated",Auth.user.email); // got undefined why? if (Auth.user.signedIn) {...
@konpa what solution works for you?
I am having same issue @keerthi0611 are you able to solve it?
Hi @jamonholmgren I am able to resolve it after updating all my storyboard version `- "@storybook/addon-actions": "5.0.11", - "@storybook/addon-links": "5.0.11", - "@storybook/addon-storyshots": "^4.1.11", - "@storybook/addons": "^4.1.11", - "@storybook/channels": "^4.1.11", -...
platform darwin arch x64 cpu 8 cores Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz directory /Users/macbookpro/Documents/pfm_app JavaScript node 12.9.1 /usr/local/bin/node npm 6.10.3 /usr/local/bin/npm yarn 1.17.3 /usr/local/bin/yarn React Native react-native-cli 2.0.1 app...
@pratt33k how would you able to add instagram button?
Who is going to handle all logic regarding user confirmation, resent password token, forget password, change password.... these all logic we need to write ourself which does not seems obvious...
> localforage @BernardA have you found any solution. What workaround did you try out?
@bhellman1 is it working for you? what other solution you tried for authentication?