wakatime-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wakatime-cli copied to clipboard

Command line interface used by all WakaTime text editor plugins

Results 28 wakatime-cli issues
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**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I strive to have a clean home directory, but there are *many* files related to WakaTime in `~`: - `.wakatime.bdb`...

feature request

Is it possible to store the `api_key` listed in `.wakatime.cfg` file as an environmental variable instead? Perhaps something like `WAKATIME_API_KEY`. This would help by being able to create backups of...

to discuss

Hi guys, The present issue seems to be related to #426. Wakatime is unable to sync the activity performed in PowerPoint when I work on a file hosted on a...


When working with files stored on OneDrive they won't send a heartbeat ony my system. `~/.wakatime.log` says file would not exist > {"now": "2021/04/09 22:02:16 +0200", "version": "13.0.7", "plugin": "word/16.0...

need investigation

Marshaling in Golang produces fields in alphabetical order which is not the ideal in this scenario. The outputted log might follow the legacy implementantion. https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#Marshal legacy ``` {"now": "2021/05/04 09:23:29...

to discuss

This issue aims to map all supported IDEs and their engines to download the current wakatime python cli. * [x] ~~Android Studio - Downloads a zipped file from S3. [ref...


Originally posted at https://twitter.com/Pruxis/status/1500798637571551232. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/522344/157093143-2e53a9c3-348c-4d38-98c3-4afdebe29661.png)


As discussed in https://github.com/wakatime/wakatime-cli/issues/426, waketime can not read remote files through ssh. I tried to make a minimal reproduction sample in this issue. **Steps** 1. `ssh -p 10722` login...


A nice to have would be recursively parsing config files, so you could have a chain of multiple imported config files. However, it's not necessary in the first implementation. _Originally...


It would be cool if Wakatime was also able to track lines of code added and deleted.
