wakatime-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wakatime-cli copied to clipboard

Command line interface used by all WakaTime text editor plugins

Results 28 wakatime-cli issues
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1 - create new branch 2 - make changes 3 - commit & push (commit A) 4 - return to master branch 5 - make changes 6 - commit &...

need investigation

Request: Add a timezone setting that accept timezone-strings as value (ex: America/Edmonton, Europe/Dublin, etc). So instead of uploading the time worked on my timezone, it would upload it on the...

to discuss

MATLAB plugins will be very conducive!


Eagerly waiting for repl.it plugin As many institutes does the lab works on repl.it, it should be beneficial to track the coding time.


Hi guys I just found this interesting time-recording software. I alreary setup it for most of my working environments. But there is not plugin for [GNU TeXmacs](https://github.com/texmacs/texmacs), it is an...

to discuss

{"now": "2021/05/13 16:20:11 +0800", "version": "13.1.0", "plugin": "notepadpp/458845 notepadpp-wakatime/4.2.2", "time": 1620894004.489945, "caller": "C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\AppData\\Roaming\\WakaTime\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\logger.py", "lineno": 62, "file": "C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\Desktop\\\u65b0\u5efa\u6587\u4ef6\u5939 (3)\\new 1.txt", "level": "ERROR", "message": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\AppData\\Roaming\\WakaTime\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\main.py\", line...


Would be good to have wakatime-cli available to be installed using apt-get and use the advatanges of Linux package manager.


The Python cli used to look for keywords, such as `ember` or `backbone`, in Html files and assume those keywords being present means the associated JavaScript library was being included...

feature request

Hi, i have issue with current version of Wakatime client app - it can't get thru corporate proxy. The proxy is running on http://localhost:9000 and other programs seem to respect...


Click the image below to vote on a plugin. [![poll](https://wakatime.com/polls/018af5c8-607b-47e9-b24c-c5214499ab2a.png)](https://wakatime.com/polls/018af5c8-607b-47e9-b24c-c5214499ab2a) If your the app you want to track doesn't have a plugin/extension api but it runs on MacOS, request support...

feature request