Wajahat Karim

Results 13 comments of Wajahat Karim

Very nice idea. Will look into it and see if it can be done in next version release. Thank you 👍

Which library you are mentioning here? I think you forgot to put link maybe.

I have uploaded this library to ```jCenter``` and can be used with this line. ```gradle compile 'com.wajahatkarim3.BufferTextInputLayout:buffertextinputlayout:1.2.0' ``` More details are available at [https://github.com/wajahatkarim3/BufferTextInputLayout](https://github.com/wajahatkarim3/BufferTextInputLayout)

Can you show me a demo video so that i can understand better?

Is this bug resolved? Can anyone help me with this?

Are you referring to Paging 2 or 3? I tried this with Paging 2 but my tests couldn't pass. So I will change the implementation to Paging 3 in a...

Thank you for sharing the code snippet. I will add the Paging 3 API and see how it works for the tests.

Can you provide more details or complete log trace? Please?

Let me check this. It seems that a library ViewAnimator has some issues and MediumClap is using that library for animations purposes.

Hello @marin-marsic Thank you for your interest in the task. Yeah you can do this. Would love to merge the pull request.