Junwei Zhao

Results 21 comments of Junwei Zhao

> Wish to asking for how to config the auto upload with rclone in the script > The docker project combined aria2/ariaNG/rclone service perfectly, and the scripts was written very...

这里的数组index里面的 `'a'` 应该怎么理解呢?

The same issue still exists in the latest version as I writing this comment today.

Hi, @Selvatico I don't think the test failure is related to my change, I didn't change any source code or test code at all. Also, There is no error when...

I just met the same issue, could anyone help to solve this issue?

The following is the error message from my application: ``` bash 2014-02-08 17:21:08.823 Libr[322:60b] WARNING: -[ isOrientationSupported] is deprecated. Please use AVCaptureConnection's -isVideoOrientationSupported 2014-02-08 17:21:08.824 Libr[322:60b] WARNING: -[ setOrientation:] is...

Finally I used @khayong his forked repo to make this scanner work. https://github.com/khayong/BarcodeScanner.git

I know that iOS provided the API to scan the barcode, but I am not familiar with iOS development, hope someone can use the native API to build a new...

Hi @netweaver now you can just set `rpc_secret` please check the readme for more details

Hi @mobilelifeful , because you have mounted your own configurations via `-v /root/.config/rclone:/app/conf`, which means you need to make sure those files exist in your folder `/root/.config/rclone` please check [here](https://github.com/wahyd4/aria2-ariang-docker#:~:text=Why%20the%20app,rerun%20the%20container.)...