aria2-ariang-docker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
aria2-ariang-docker copied to clipboard

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Open wahyd4 opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments


开通这个,并不意味着,以后我就不回答issues 里面都问题,解决bug了,原来我做的我依然会做。这只是一种尝试,看看是否有人需要付费咨询服务,一方面可以帮助大家解决自己的实际问题,另外一方面我也想看看能否从这个行为中挣到几杯咖啡,鼓励我继续不断更新。

不变地,我依然建议大家首先仔细阅读readme,其次在issues里面进行关键字搜索,看看有没有类似都问题之前出现过。这两种方式应该可以帮助大部分人解决问题。如果你依然存在疑问,或者还是不知道怎么运行,亦或是你希望我可以在线协助。 好的,没问题。


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wahyd4 avatar Jan 21 '21 21:01 wahyd4

Wish to asking for how to config the auto upload with rclone in the script The docker project combined aria2/ariaNG/rclone service perfectly, and the scripts was written very simplified. And it also can be upload file using rclone webUI.

But, It seems it can't configuration automatic upload files after downloaded.

Is there any way to do that convenient (yes cron job with rclone copy script)

I found so many docker projects, but your one is the simplest. And using it for downloading movies(Because the Netflix films are now so terrible. /yes basically 全是烂片

krscuti avatar Feb 21 '21 18:02 krscuti

Wish to asking for how to config the auto upload with rclone in the script The docker project combined aria2/ariaNG/rclone service perfectly, and the scripts was written very simplified. And it also can be upload file using rclone webUI.

But, It seems it can't configuration automatic upload files after downloaded.

Is there any way to do that convenient (yes cron job with rclone copy script)

I found so many docker projects, but your one is the simplest. And using it for downloading movies(Because the Netflix films are now so terrible. /yes basically 全是烂片

Hi @krscuti , thank you supporting my project and reaching out. I have received your wechat payment. Let's workout a couple of things before we have the online meeting.

Can you provide the following information and mail to [email protected]?

  • What cloud storage platform you configured in Rclone?
  • Can you attach your Rclone config file as well?
  • What date of this week you are free to do a zoom chat or something similar at 7:30 or 8:00 PM Beijing time?

Looking forward to your reply.

wahyd4 avatar Feb 21 '21 22:02 wahyd4

Hello Dear Author

I am using Google Drive ,Because GD provides large storage up to 10+T,

price middle, and easy to use Rclone Config File is Default as it configuration:

[image: image.png]

And it works. I can upload file through WebUI. But seems it has some file sync bug. Either docker volumes can not directly copy into dock-image(I have to copy rclone.conf into docker through cli). And it might not sync google file in Rclone WebUI, it doesn't matter.

Now My concern is how to configure it to upload Cloud Storage

automatically. Or does it support auto upload configuration. eg. does it has a function such as on-downloaded, Then run

__ kr

krscuti avatar Feb 23 '21 04:02 krscuti