Wagner Fillio

Results 6 comments of Wagner Fillio

Hello @sanghyangsahal I succeeded. Using fullcalendar and air-datepicker. See how it works: ![1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/22008303/24016631/aecad020-0a6b-11e7-9650-f9b0ece8234c.png) ![2](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/22008303/24016632/aeccafa8-0a6b-11e7-9a99-21a1fa6a9b9c.png)

Yes! Add in Skype wagner.fillio (acount)

> I haven't done anything special to use bootstrap 5 as-is. It _mostly_ uses the same classes and just works. Hello, Can you make an example of use with react-bootstrap,...

@joaoeymard, até tentei utilizar o seu fork, mas após a instalação e execução, recebi o erro abaixo. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22008303/180905146-7435a1de-deb0-4479-ac79-f465186c4f34.png) E este é o código que executei. Outra pergunta, como posso obter...

Hello, is this already working with component select? If so, is there a demo?