Wagner Drachinski
Wagner Drachinski
Hi how to insert a attributes in children menu: ` Cadastros Teste ` I do this: `Menu::make('example', function(Builder $menu) { $menu->add('Cadastros', '#')->attribute(['class' => 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown', 'role' => 'button',...
Hi I have a bootstrapTable: ` ` So, i use search options to filter, and later, i need to update some row. But when boostraptable have a filter in search...
Hello First of all, congratilations! This project is amazing! So, I copied a suggestion to confirm before delete a node. ``` class Drawflowoverride extends Drawflow { removeNodeId(id) { let $this...
Hello everyone First of all! Thanks for sharing this project! It is amazing! So, I am getting this error message.  I tried to figure out the error, but I...
Hi I can change or edit dynamic the email template?
Hi First of all, congratulations for the initiative. I was looking for something along those lines. Concerning your work, I would like to ask a question. Can you tell me...