Results 188 issues of Marwan Rabbâa

Hi, We are **benchmarking** some `ruby` framework [here]( with `puma` as **appserver** I have recetly discovered `falcon` and want to try it (as **HTTP/2** is `built-in`) I have compared the...

help wanted

Hi @tbrand, It could be useful to add some path constraint to routes, I mean adding a `regex` (or else to allow / or not some pathes). For example, adding...

Hi @tbrand, When any job contains a `/`, since it is the file separator, `neph` try to log in a non-existant directory. Regards,

Hello @tbrand, For some reason, any `job` defined in `neph.yaml` could fail. I think it could be valuable to `neph` if we have a param to retry it. What do...

Hi @defnull, This `PR` completely remove `cherrypy` usage. It : + [x] Removes cherrypy as backend server (code is removed, but using it as backend server will start **cheroot**) ℹ️...

Hi, I can notice that `uvicorn` version in use in old. Is there a specific reason to ping this version ? Regards,

Hi @mingrammer, I see that `go-swagger` in included `here`. Seems not to be a **web framework**, btw. Any reason why he is included ? Regards,

Hi @SuspiciousLookingOwl, I think something like (only the blue line), will be accurate to add on UI. I mean, it add a quick view to : what is the...

Hi, I'm trying to use (inside `docker`) **php-pm**. I have a `Class '\App\Kernel' not found` when I try to launch my docker container from Does I miss something in...