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Various kind of graphs

Open waghanza opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

Hi @SuspiciousLookingOwl,

I think something like (only the blue line), will be accurate to add on UI.

I mean, it add a quick view to : what is the concurrency level for framework X where req/s is acceptable ?

The idea is to add resources consumption (when available).


PS ; I also think could be a source of inspiration

waghanza avatar Apr 28 '21 04:04 waghanza

I don't quite understand what you meant.

Is this what you meant? image (x axis is benchmark duration in second, y axis is memory usage)

If not, perhaps you can provide a visual example.

I think line graph is only useful if there's time involved on the data (like the example above)

SuspiciousLookingOwl avatar Apr 28 '21 05:04 SuspiciousLookingOwl