Jake Waggoner
Jake Waggoner
I've used this to set it up for me: https://jimmdd.medium.com/the-complete-guide-to-use-node-oracledb-on-aws-lambda-using-serverless-framework-and-lambda-layers-52b374d6cfe7 Works pretty well.
Did you set your `private: true` on your endpoints in the serverless.yaml? Look at [here](https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/serverless.yml#lambda-events), specifically at `API Gateway v1 REST API` to see that option.
You can simply escape the dollar sign in the environment variable for it to not be parsed. In your .env file, make the following change: `POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=ab\$defgh@jk` Then run `sls print...
This is interesting. If you remove `Joi.string()`, you get the result you're looking for. ``` Joi.object({ test: Joi.array() .items( Joi.number() //Removed Joi.string() .custom(function (value, helpers) { if (value === 5)...