Oliver Waddell
Oliver Waddell
Guten Tag Ich verwende die aktuelle Hörbert Software in Version 2.1.4. Die Software gefällt mir sehr gut, danke für die Verbesserungen gegenüber der alten Adobe AIR-basierten Software! Ich bitte Sie,...
While validating TIFF-files KOST-Val v.1.9.4 warned us about a number of fatal errors in the console showing the progress of the java-command but still marked the files as valid in...
The ability to insert a gallery into a page/post is great, thank you! But what is the trailing list at the end of the provided `gallery_shortcode.tmpl` for?: ``` ``` On...
Zotero (http://www.zotero.org) constructs BibTeX-keys like this: ``` [name]_[first word of title]_[year] ``` Consequently, BibTeX-keys of works without author are exported by Zotero beginning with an underscore. This results in MultiMarkdown-citations...