This can be reproduced if ".NET desktop development" workload is not installed. Developer should add this information to the installation tutorial at https://dotneteer.github.io/spectnetide/getting-started/install-spectnetide#article
Still reproducible in D-2020-06-08
Are you saying that Intel UHD 630 is not supported, or the presence of disabled Nvidia card causes enumeration/GPU selection problems? The 560 series card could (the Nvidia WDDM VR...
Если настроен тип входа в почту "пароль", 2FA выключен, то работает только через пароль от почты. Если настроен тип входа в почту "пароль", 2FA выключен, создан и введен пароль приложения...
Hi! I confirm that functionality is indeed needed.
@jdawgzim Could you please tell exactly what should be unmapped and what else should be done so this script starts working? Can I unmap in config file not to use...
Ok, when I find more examples, I will update the ticket. This game's settings doesn't help. It is still too fast.
I'm also interested in touchleave event for the same purpose: dpad
@james-baber To be sure you've understood right: expected was that UE had materials already created, and the mesh had never been imported yet, the first import should have found existing...
@james-baber I refer to functionality existed in 2015y - see the referenced post. I do not know if it still exists in non-blender fbx import flow in the latest UE4,...