@Goatform The TDB 52 version has been tested. This problem does not exist, but the code is too old to compare I didn't find this problem when I tested DK's... go_orb_of_the_blue_fligh Go_orb_of_the_blue_fligh part of the spawn is lost, the spell has no effect. `INSERT INTO`gameobject`(`id`,`map`,`spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `rotation0`, `rotation1`, `rotation2`, `rotation3`, `spawntimesecs`, `animprogress`, `state`) VALUES ('188415','580','1','1','1703.912','581.981','28.132','1... SPELL_VENGEANCE_OF_THE_BLUE_FLIGHT Exists in DBC and is associated with 45839 but is missing from the core.
@Aokromes Still effective and more serious, now has no shield effect directly
@offl Please update the tag for this issue, the hack fix has failed He is now worse directly without spell effect And the progress checker is invalid You can not...
In addition I do not know if enough blizzard, you can not attack the front BOSS can directly see vashj
To be exact, we can't get the flags of both sides. NPC doesn't give the dialogue with the flags .npc set flag 1 It will show unoccupied
Confirmation There is still the problem BOSS will evade and disappear ``` float WorldObject::GetVisibilityRange() const { if (IsVisibilityOverridden() && !ToPlayer()) return *m_visibilityDistanceOverride; else if (IsFarVisible() && !ToPlayer()) return MAX_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE; else if (GetMap()) return GetMap()->GetVisibilityRange(); return MAX_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE; } ``` Return after...
@Kittnz Trying to find out why, because that's what happened last yea