And what was wrong?
I'd the same problem with parse_transform (https://github.com/w495/erlang_decorators), but I've solved it with `erl_parse:abstract(Some, Line).`
Is there any simple way to implement this for admin list?
I use `django_datefilter` (https://github.com/tzulberti/django-datefilterspec) The main problem is in grappelli.initDateAndTimePicker(); I've resolved this within ``` (function($) { $(document).ready(function() { grappelli.initDateAndTimePicker(); setTimeout(grappelli.initDateAndTimePicker, 100); }); })(grp.jQuery); ``` May be. this is duct...
No. I use https://github.com/DXist/django-daterange-filter/blob/master/daterange_filter/templates/daterange_filter/filter.html I've changed this in `daterange_filter/filter.html`. Now my file looks like this https://gist.github.com/w495/6284d21ba7406c658075 Also, I think movement javascripts' block to the end of base-file can help in...
I've got this with 5.13.0-51-generic. By the way, you can comment lines with errors. I know this is dirty hack (that's why I'm not sure about PR) but now it...
The main idea of this is simple ``` (python) """ In lookupy.lookupy ... """ def filter_items(items, *args, **kwargs): q1 = list(args) if args is not None else [] q2 =...
But, Have you try it for 20.10? I suppose there isn't big difference.