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This repository hosts the WAI Website.
Attached file has Comments and tracked changes for consideration. [selecting-eval-tools.docx](https://github.com/w3c/wai-selecting-eval-tools/files/1577678/selecting-eval-tools.docx)
When the new [Mobile Accessibility Introduction](https://w3c.github.io/wai-mobile-intro/mobile/) is done -- or maybe even when it's a polished draft -- add clear pointers to it.
@slhenry While the title of the resource is "How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All" it includes information for speakers and organizers. Would it not be more appropriate to...
We currently point to an Accessibility Checklist for Existing Facilities, which is in English. There is a resource on facility accessibility in French: https://www.cohesion-territoires.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/2019-07/guide_erp-ipo-e_exe2_150dpi_version_mise%20en%20ligne-min.pdf First questions for considering if we...
https://www.w3.org/WAI/teach-advocate/accessible-presentations/#expres says: >**Make provided material accessible** > If you are giving participants material, make it accessible. See provide accessible material above. An example of presentation material provided in both presentation...
See **[Criteria for what to include](https://github.com/w3c/wai-presentations2all/wiki/Criteria-for-what-to-include)** Here's an issue to add comments on that criteria for what to include
Consider adding: "[Provide meeting information via accessible communications](https://deploy-preview-85--wai-presentations2all.netlify.app/teach-advocate/accessible-presentations/#provide-meeting-information-via-accessible-communications)" as separate checkpoint, or some aspects integrated into an existing checkpoint? Draft from @MicheleAWilliams-A11y : > **Provide meeting information via accessible communications**...
Consider adding: [Provide event details related to accessibility ](https://deploy-preview-85--wai-presentations2all.netlify.app/teach-advocate/accessible-presentations/#provide-event-details-related-to-accessibility) as separate checkpoint, or some aspects integrated into an existing checkpoint? Draft from @MicheleAWilliams-A11y : > **Provide event details related to...
@slhenry Would it be useful to add a section around encouraging hybrid event options during initial event planning? Suggestions for what to call it: - Adopt a hybrid approach -...