
Results 10 comments of Vasiliy

1. "free radius" is Not needed, keycloak-radius-plugin uses the embedded version of radius server. 2. How you run application? I suggest to use docker, because it provides a fully configured...

What do you mean about portal function? If you mean Radius Hotspot then yes, "keycloak-radius-plugin" have portal function. Here example for Mikrotik: If need limit users you can assign...

# Download latest multiarch docker ``` docker pull vassio/keycloak-radius-plugin:latest-multiarch ``` # Run multiarch docker in dev-mode ``` cd docker docker run -d --name keycloak-radius-plugin-multiarch --env-file .example.radius.env --restart=always -p 8080:8080 -p1812:1812/udp...

@github2kcc for mschap and mschapv2, you need to use [keycloak radius credentials](

@github2kcc, the root of the issue is that radtest is sending MS-CHAP-Response, but keycloak-radius is expecting MS-CHAP2-Response

@BPM-NZ Can you share what command are you use to running docker? If you change port like that: ``` docker run -d --name=rtsp-samsung-tv -p 3004:3004 -p 10004-10009:9999-10004 --restart=always vassio/rtsp-samsung-tv:latest ```...

If you want to change stream resolution for http://:3004/camera.html than you can try command: ``` docker exec rtsp-samsung-tv bash -c "echo '{\"currentChannel\":0,\"width\":1920,\"height\":1080}' > /.currentChannel && pm2 restart server" ``` But...

About ```720p h.265``` My camera supports only h.264 and I do not know how to increase quality for h.265. But this project is a wrapper over ffmpeg so you can...

Привет, да я согласен что греть воздух не очень хорошая идея, но я не очень силен в программировании на samsung TV, это первый и пока единственный проект для samsung TV....

The application consists of 2 parts: 1. Server which convert the camera stream to a format that Samsung TVs can understand 2. Samsung Smart TV widget that shows converted streams...