Vincent Zaballa
Vincent Zaballa
Thanks @mravendi ! Your code works with the dsb 2018 dataset on my local machine. Just a warning for others working with this dataset, you'll most likely receive an error...
@steffencruz Any luck with this error? I'm getting the same thing a couple of months later when installing aifeynment2.0.7 via ``. Going to debug but thought I'd see if you...
Looks like it's a mac OS problem. Was able to resolve the local install issue by brew reinstalling gcc and gfortran: ``` brew reinstall gcc brew reinstall gfortran ``` I...
Late follow up but I had this error when pip installing aifeynman. It resolved itself when I downloaded 2.0.7 from pypi and installed locally in editable mode. Don't know why...
In my case it was an OS error that I fixed following this [issue](