Vyas Ramasubramani

Results 137 issues of Vyas Ramasubramani

Currently scikit-build supports configuring CMake via [two environment variables, `SKBUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS` and `CMAKE_ARGS`](https://scikit-build.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#environment-variable-configuration). The former is a variable specific to scikit-build and it is unsurprising that it would be used automatically....

Specifying the `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` with `build_ext` causes problems for scikit-build. The problem is due to the following properties of scikit-build: - We parse and forward along all CMake arguments to CMake...

[This line](https://github.com/scikit-build/scikit-build/blob/0.15.0/skbuild/resources/cmake/UseCython.cmake#L213) in UseCython.cmake assumes that a CMakeLists.txt file exists alongside every pyx file. As a result, any Cython build managed with scikit-build must be structured such that each subpackage...

This issue is rather specific, so I'll attempt to provide enough contextual background to hopefully help isolate the problem more easily. **Background** Consider two methods for installing a package, in-place...

When building extension modules, occasionally it is necessary to force recompilation even when no pyx files have been modified. Some valuable reasons for this include rebuilding when an underlying library...

The changes implemented in #299 to ensure that Python extension module init symbols are global also mark all other symbols as local. This change, which I assume is to reduce...

Given a package layout like so ``` . ├── package | ├── __init__.py │ ├── subpackage | ├── __init__.py | ├── subpackage_module.py ``` if I do not add a cython...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The `EnvironmentCluster` algorithm is currently something of a black box to users. The primary issues center around the method in...


1. We should definitely rename `neighbors` parameters of `EnvironmentMotifMatch` to `env_neighbors`. The current `neighbors` are functionally the same as the `env_neighbors` of `EnvironmentCluster`, not the `neighbors`, so making these match...

good first issue

Docstrings for constructors and methods accepting boxes need to be systematically updated to reflect that they accept any valid input to `freud.Box.from_box`, not just box objects.

good first issue