it is ... can you help me fix that ?
1, 2 and 3 is broken .... VoteSites: BestMinecraftServers: Enabled: true Name: best-minecraft-servers.co Priority: 1 Hidden: false ServiceSite: best-minecraft-servers.co VoteURL: https://best-minecraft-servers.co/server-purecraft-smp.20812/vote VoteDelay: 24 WaitUntilVoteDelay: true VoteDelayDaily: true ForceOffline: false DisplayItem:...
and how can i fix it please
Can you please fix those 3 sites ? i dont know whats wrong with them ... i know MCLS should have name MCLS but dont know where is mistake
arrrrgh ... i know where the config is ... but i dont what what else to change in to VotingSites.yml ...... First 3 are not working can you rewrite it...
13.03 12:19:13 [Server] INFO [Votifier] Got a protocol v1 vote record from / -> Vote (from:Best Minecraft Servers username:vxkShelby address: timeStamp:1710332353 additionalData:null) 13.03 12:19:13 [Server] INFO [VotingPlugin] Received a vote...
still didnt help me
can you show me example how to set it "correctly " ?????
yes it match
Insted of link i should edit it to the name ? 26.03 08:22:10 [Server] INFO [VotingPlugin] Received a vote from service site 'Best Minecraft Servers' by player 'vxkShelby'! 26.03 08:22:10...