Zhenghui Yan

Results 17 comments of Zhenghui Yan

Hub service will not return 429 normally, unless your app add a middleware to return it. 429 should return from service side, like connections exceed limit, or too many request...

@Jonno12345 we will update service, it will abort connections with expired token.

Hi, Your solution works for most cases. But you should realize: `OnDisconnect` event is not reliable in some rare cases, for example, if one of VM for the service instance...

@bbowman No for now, we are considering to enhance serverless, but it not in our plan yet.

No API to get all *(users/connections) in a group in service side. And there is no plan to support it. If you are using serverless: Client can send application ping...

Currently, scale-in/out will cause client connections drop, so we won't give auto-scale. But we are working on smooth scale in/out, when it done, we will provide auto-scale.

@DavidStania It should be OK, can you repro the issue after restarting the service instance? And can you send your resource id to my email address: `[email protected]`?

See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/codedoc#list Source code: https://github.com/dotnet/docfx/blob/dev/src/Microsoft.DocAsCode.Metadata.ManagedReference.Common/Transform/TripleSlashCommentTransform.xsl#L188