Vu Nhat Chuong

Results 13 comments of Vu Nhat Chuong

I get the error while trying to install node dependencies, so I use `scoop install nodejs`.

What happen is the script disable notifications, that's why you can still hit Win+Shift+S to take a snip but don't see it appear

I encounter this problem as well for pyright, Ubuntu. ```bash Spawning language server with cmd: `pyright-langserver` failed with error message: EACCES: permission denied Error executing Lua callback: /usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp.lua:1602: client_id: expected...

I try to write a small code that can substitute: ```python substitutions = { "___________________EMPTY___________________": "XXXXXXX, XXXXXXX, XXXXXXX, XXXXXXX, XXXXXXX", "_________________QWERTY_L1_________________": "KC_Q, KC_W, KC_E, KC_R, KC_T" } with open('../keymap_test.c', 'r')...

You can try this regex instead: `d = dict(re.findall(r"\#define (_[\S]+_)(.+)", self.wrappers, flags=re.MULTILINE))`. With this you can remove the first loop that does `d[k] = d[d[k]]`.

I have the same problem of empty repo when uses on Windows. Installed with `pip` in conda env. So I open up WSL2, install through `apt` and the same command...

Yep, that's what I'm looking, but it behaves really weird currently. This is with both background and background image 100% opacity. ![image](

My version is same as yours. The bug still exist even after restart. I tried every settings I can see in the config and nothing fix it, don't know about...

>Is it transparent when it should not be? Yes, It's completely transparent despite me putting background image opacity to 100% or background opacity to 100%. settings.json ```json { "actions": [...

I think how @j4james described above is more correct, it's exactly my issue.