> 打开 [用户名/nav/actions]( 点击 绿色按钮 321这么简单我都搞不定啊,绿色按钮找了两天也没找到在哪
> 刚刚发布了最新版`1.7.4`,令牌授权和刷新的问题这次应该是比较彻底的解决了,可以升级试一试: `pip install -U bypy` 新版试过了 `Authorizing, please be patient, it may take upto 300 seconds... Authorizing with the Vercel server ... Vercel server failed. Last resort: authorizing with...
> 刚刚发布了最新版`1.7.4`,令牌授权和刷新的问题这次应该是比较彻底的解决了,可以升级试一试: `pip install -U bypy` 新版试过了,还是不行呢。 `Authorizing, please be patient, it may take upto 300 seconds... Authorizing with the Vercel server ... Vercel server failed. Last resort: authorizing with...
``` Press [Enter] when you are done Authorizing, please be patient, it may take upto 300 seconds... Authorizing with the Vercel server ... Vercel server failed. Last resort: authorizing with...
docker_proxy.js 部署完打开404,大佬有时间能修复一下吗
``无法访问此网站 xxxxxxxx 的响应时间过长。 请在 Google 中搜索“236 18088” ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT