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perf(server-renderer):normalizeValue function prioritizes the judgmen…
…t of values equal to 0, thereby improving performance
What kind of change does this PR introduce? (check at least one)
- [ ] Bugfix
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Code style update
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Build-related changes
- [√] Other, please describe:
Does this PR introduce a breaking change? (check one) When the value is equal to 0, it avoids two typeof judgments and one js object attribute value, which improves performance
- [ ] Yes
- [√] No
If yes, please describe the impact and migration path for existing applications:
The PR fulfills these requirements:
- [ ] It's submitted to the
branch for v2.x (or to a previous version branch) - [ ] When resolving a specific issue, it's referenced in the PR's title (e.g.
fix #xxx[,#xxx]
, where "xxx" is the issue number) - [ ] All tests are passing:
- [ ] New/updated tests are included
If adding a new feature, the PR's description includes:
- [ ] A convincing reason for adding this feature (to avoid wasting your time, it's best to open a suggestion issue first and wait for approval before working on it)
Other information:
I have already run the npm run test command locally and passed all of it
@sxzz @antfu @sodatea Can you help me check it ~~🥰
Not now.
While I appreciate your contribution to the project, please don't @ me unless it's urgent. Just like you shouldn't call your colleague to review a small refactor on a Sunday morning. It's insensitive and impolite, to say the least.
Not now.
While I appreciate your contribution to the project, please don't @ me unless it's urgent. Just like you shouldn't call your colleague to review a small refactor on a Sunday morning. It's insensitive and impolite, to say the least.
I think this is an open source project, and people will not treat it like work. The pressure in this area should not be too great, and I really didn't think too much. I'm very sorry 😢😣🤕
@Justineo I see in the PR list that you have participated in some Code review work in some items on the first page of PR. Can you help check it?thanks~❤️
I don’t get it how is this improving performance?
P.S. Don’t tag people like this unless it’s urgent. It is impolite as soda pointed out to you.
I don’t get it how is this improving performance?
P.S. Don’t tag people like this unless it’s urgent. It is impolite as soda pointed out to you.
With the current modification, when value is equal to 0, an unnecessary typeof value=='string 'judgment will be skipped, and a typeof value==='number'&&noUnitNumericStyleProps [key] judgment will be skipped to directly enter the subsequent logic.
from the perspective of performance, using the === operator for equality comparison is faster than using the typeof operator for type checking.
the === operator only needs to compare if two values are exactly equal, while the typeof operator needs to check the type of the value, which may require more operations. Additionally, typeof also needs to perform string comparisons, which can lead to more time consumption.
I don’t get it how is this improving performance?
P.S. Don’t tag people like this unless it’s urgent. It is impolite as soda pointed out to you.
In fact, I don't know how to find someone to review. Do we have a similar schedule? Do we regularly check them(pr)? I don't have much experience in cooperating with our project 🤕
It’s faster only when value
is 0
In fact, I don't know how to find someone to review. Do we have a similar schedule? Do we regularly check them(pr)? I don't have much experience in cooperating with our project 🤕
You don’t need to actively find someone to review a minor refactor. Project members may review PRs anytime they feel comfortable with.
你不需要主动找人来审查一个小的重构。项目成员可以在他们觉得舒服的时候随时审查 PR。
Haha, actually I used to do that in other projects, nothing happen...but I current understand. Thank you for your guidance~🥰