Hi @radford-for-smpte, thanks for reaching out. I'm not able to reproduce the issue. Can you check if you are still experiencing this with the latest SDK version `3.42.0`?
Hi @fishcharlie, thanks for reaching out. I am not able to reproduce this. Can you show how you set up your credentials and region configuration?
Hi @shishkin thanks for reaching out. Make sure that you install the package aws-sdk in the right directory. Can we know how do you install?
Hi @kperkins-godaddy , thanks for reaching out. I can reproduce your issue, will investigate this more. In that mean time, there is a workaround solution (add another layer of region...
Hi @rostislavdeepcrawl thanks for reaching out. I am able to reproduce your problem. We will investigate this problem more. Also, you can only set `AWS_PROFILE` or set `AWS_ACCSS_KEY_ID`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`...
Hi @chamila-c thanks for bringing this up. We have discussed and this feature would be a good addition. However, the team has no bandwidth to work on this feature at...
Hi all, I have discussed with the team, and we are planning to implement this. However, there is no timeline for this yet, I will comment if we have any...
Hi @toneill818 is this still persisting with the latest version of SDK? I am having trouble to reproduce the same behavior?
Hi, can you confirm if this is still persisting with the latest version of SDK?
Hi all, I have discussed with the team, and we are planning to implement this. However, there is no timeline for this yet, I will comment if we have any...