added squarify2 function, which allows step size to be defined explicitly (ebsdGrid.dx) instead of auto calculated this sometimes leads to seam artefacts in ebsdGrid output, so all elements in ebsdgrid...
Useful for when you want to plot or measure something wrt e.g. 'north' or 'west' on the map but don't want to hard code it as vector3d.X or Y, might...
**What do you want to do?** Load EBSD data with different plotting conventions **What data do you have?** EBSD maps from multiple SEMs and manufacturers **What code do you use?**...
**What do you want to do?** I want to translate an EBSD map xy coordinates to very far from zero to match some other global coordinate frame on my sample....
ebsd.prop inheritance when un-gridding should also be optional
so if you do ebsd2 = ebsd1; you don't lose the plottingConvention set by ebsd1 Feature request: can we set the plottingConvention property explicitly in the @EBSD constructor (and do...
add mtexdata trueEbsdWCCo to use with the example
smoothTest.m - demo script on mtexdata('twins') [grainsContour] = boundaryContours(grains) - redraws grain boundary segments using a contouring algorithm instead of following pixel edges [grains,stablefraction] = smooth1(grains,iter,ebsd,varargin) - same as smooth(grains)...