vtrois white

Results 3 issues of vtrois white

Hello, I find an acceptMergeRequest error,it's likely a bug. [Gitlab API Document v3 to v4 ](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/v3_to_v4.html):Endpoints under GET /projects/merge_request/:id have been removed (use: GET /projects/merge_requests/:id) but in gitlab4j-api:4.15.7, MergeRequestApi.java:793 ,when...

- Make sure the script support for your system.If .NET Core 2.0 support for your system,but the script is not.Please tell me ,I will support for your system in the...

已经按照[[文档](https://echosec.notion.site/Container-docker-compose-1058effda47b4d938d4b543c1647e85a)]配置docker-compose:  version: "3.7" services: epic-games-claimer: image: ech0sec/awesome-epic:fish init: true command: "python3 claim.py" volumes: - "/home/epic/user_data_dir:/home/epic/user_data_dir" - "/home/epic/logs:/home/epic/logs" environment: EPIC_EMAIL: "[email protected]" EPIC_PASSWORD: "123456" 运行日志: 2023-12-18 09:16:25 | INFO | __main__:stash:131 |...