Vendal Thornheart
Vendal Thornheart
Sweeet, this should be very doable then. Thank you!
Hmm, is this happening just for specific users for you, intermittently, consistently?
Oh yeah, if you happen to have the "bungled" cookie value for one of these requests, that would be very handy! By any chance, did these start to happen around...
Aye, let us know if it does happen again! I'll keep this open for a bit just in case.
Did you cross save and/or link a Stadia account by any chance? We are having an issue with the D1 API where folks who linked a Stadia account can no...
Happy holidays! Just a heads up Soren, your reply had your phone number and some other info embedded in it - I removed it, but I wasn't aware of it...
Whoops, yep! The ability to reply to these via email seems to be both a convenient feature and a curse.
Greetings! Ah, sorry about neglecting to reply to you earlier! Per-encounter stats would be fantastic - unfortunately, we're not set up to be able to return that information at this...
No prob! It's happened to me too!
Unfortunately my last update still holds true: "Per-encounter stats would be fantastic - unfortunately, we're not set up to be able to return that information at this time. However, I...