Vendal Thornheart
Vendal Thornheart
Aye - unfortunately, the ID is indeed not created until the activity is completed - in truth, up to several minutes after it's been completed. There's a couple of things...
Yes, unfortunately it's a tough one. The best you could likely do is after the fact, if you're looking to match PGCR data to it. You could take the time...
Hmm, interesting - is it returning invalid hash wherever you are in the Last Wish raid, or only in certain parts of it? And indeed, I need to resolve that...
That would require someone to change how Orbit currently works on the game side, and unfortunately I don't think that's going to happen.
Ah, I think I see what's going on now. Thank you, this information was very useful! I'm going to do a little digging, but we may be able to fix...
As the gold miner almost never said because it was pretty rare to actually find gold, "eureka" I've found the issue - fortunately a configuration issue and not a game...
TFS 783459 Yes, it definitely was helpful! And I get the feeling due to the nature of the underlying problem, you're almost certain to follow the existing pattern you're seeing...
I like those suggestions! Unfortunately, the folks who work on stats are pretty swamped (they do work across a wide spectrum of the server infrastructure), and we've historically had to...
As in to tell in advance? Or to give something indicating it's currently happening? I think we could actually give the latter! The former we could give with some manual...