
Results 14 issues of vtddggg

when I run `sh val_imagenet_full.sh` An error happened. `NameError: name 'inceptionv3_spg' is not defined` I saw you define `inception3_spg` in `models/google/inception3_spg.py` So [here](https://github.com/xiaomengyc/SPG/blob/5e6debdcb059d7d001174d7ae3fbff2202ae77ec/scripts/val_imagenet_full.sh#L10) the `--arch` should be `inception3_spg`

If I pre-train Swin-T for 224 input image size. How can I finetune it and get Swin-T for 320 input image size? In your paper, you claimed 384^2 input models...


I found you have implemented a SAM-based ApexScaler in [here](https://github.com/NVlabs/FAN/blob/6467085dbc6a410a616e17a36fdfa375d21770bc/utils/scaler.py#L10) Is it useable now? Can we use this SAM-based ApexScaler to train FAN?

Thanks for your wonderful work! I have some questions about linear prob evaluation on ImageNet: 1) how do you conduct linear prob evaluation on ImageNet? using `sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression` or finetuning fc...

when training on 1000 classes imagenet, the GPU memory of prompts seems very large and results in the Out Of Memory error on 16GB GPU Card. How to solve this...

Hello Leslie Rice and Eric Wong, Congratulations on your significant work!! I found the model is always set to `training` mode during adversarial training period. However, I think when we...

Are there any pre-extracted features of 100M video clips provided for training? If not, I think I must download all videos after submit this [form](https://forms.gle/hztrfnFQUJWBtiki8)..., and then extract features using...

Hello Shashank Kotyan, Nice work and helpful code for me! It seems that some error happens when run `run_evolution.py` I got `AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'graph'`, when the...


Thank you for sharing!! I found that you get `color_image` through bluring : `batch_colors = np.array([self.imageblur(ba,True) for ba in batch]) / 255.0` Bluring is a good way to get color...