Viktor Szakats

Results 206 comments of Viktor Szakats

Current zlib solution for RC compilation is a toolchain-specific hack, and broken. Question: Was it purposefully done that way to support ancient CMake versions? Was it an oversight? CMake [does...

@mtl1979: `__CYGWIN__` is a C compiler macro, not CMake. It's defined by MSYS2's MSYS toolchain (but not in mingw toolchains) and by Cygwin. It's been defined from the early days...

> cmake uses preprocessor to detect the operating system as seen on the patch posted above. It seems correct to me. This is also the initial commit for this feature,...

@mtl1979: Re-read what I wrote, or look at the patch. This concerned ~~three~~ four Windows Resource (`.rc`) optional flags, meant to save a few bytes on Windows 3.x 16-bit, when...

With cross-compilation, there is a known and unfixed bug where an `OPENSSLDIR` value with an absolute Windows path is rejected because the verification logic expects an absolute path conforming the...

Is it correct that you'd like to override the zlib found automatically by CMake to one that's necessary for your cross-target? If so, have you tried this method?: ``` -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=/include...

Would this work in your case to spec the .tbd?: ``` -DZLIB_LIBRARY=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.sdk/usr/lib/libz.tbd ``` (replace with your custom full path)

MSVC build with `ENABLE_DEBUG=ON` and `Release`; `curl --version` crashes: vs working (without this PR):

- A `Debug` variant of `CMake, VS2008, x86, Schannel, Build-only` segfaults on startup with and without this patch, in shared builds. (unrelated to Unity mode.) One necessary trigger for this...

I'm not quite sure that enabling `-DDEBUGBUILD` unconditionally on `ENABLE_DEBUG=ON` is the right way to go. Reason is that it makes it a bit _too easy_ to enable debug features,...