Vladislav Sukhin
Vladislav Sukhin
Yeah, looks cool!
Yeah, I did something similar in other project with sorting by task next scheduled time
And might be keep it updated to latest version by default
Sure, @orrgato I'm planning to prepare docs in next few days about usage of Testkube Github Action You can find the action itself there https://github.com/kubeshop/testkube-docker-action And usage examples in this...
Docs have been already updated atr https://kubeshop.github.io/testkube/testkube-automation/
Hey, @Garvit-Jethwani We support --args parameter for test execution. So,in general you can call it like `kubectl testkube run test cypress-test --args '--browser chromium'` But at the moment Cypress supports...
So, it's still in Istio, right? Does this command work kubectl testkube get execution 62d10d38cf10983bda6c758e ?
Hey @Zogoo Guess, the reason of this error in this 62d0dafa67c1793e3eb2cfab-6rlxj 1/2 NotReady 0 3h35m 62d0db9e67c1793e3eb2cfad-t59nd 1/2 NotReady 0 3h32m 62d1005b9f1f47b5bd0465d9-6q6sl 1/2 NotReady 0 55m 62d10d01cf10983bda6c758c-t5hvq 1/2 NotReady 0 2m1s...
Probably, it's a side of effect of not running executors, might be some wrong formatted error message from our api srerver. can you check also `kubectl logs testkube-api-server-54d86fcc7c-kzf2n -n testkube`?
Hey, @Zogoo. As you can see from above log the problem is in establishing connection from your kubernetes cluster to external http web site. We will need to check it...